Shipping Container Sizes Basics For Understanding
Shipping Container Sizes Basics For Understanding - Shipping containers come in a vast array of sizes. Shipping container sizes are determined by the exterior measurements. For example, a twenty foot container is usually twenty feet long, eight feet wide and eight feet tall. The width and height for a large container is standard at eight feet but may vary at times based upon the model. When you choose a container by the outside measurement, you should also find out the interior measurements. Due to thick walls, the interior of a twenty foot container may measure nineteen feet and four inches long, seven feet and eight inches wide and seven feet and ten inches tall.
Shipping Container Sizes Basics For Understanding
Shipping Container Sizes Basics For Understanding |
Besides exterior and interior measurements, there are other factors that a container's size designation may affect. For very large containers there may be a door by which you can enter the container and place goods. The door height and width may vary based upon container size. Max cargo, how much weight a container may carry, is also another determining factor. A container's inside contents cannot exceed its shipping regulation weight. Capacity is the amount of square feet available inside. This simply gives a basic idea. What size and shape of items you are able to fit will depend more on interior length, width and height. Tare, the weight of the container, is another deciding factor, because it will affect your shipping weight and may affect your shipping cost.
Although containers, especially steel may be from eight feet to forty-five feet long, the most common sizes are twenty feet and forty feet. These standard sizes are useful in many ways. They allow ship and airplane cargo workers to quickly pack them into ocean liners or airplanes based upon a customary configuration. These standard containers are also useful because it is commonly known how much goods can be packed. For example, the standard twenty and forty feet sizes are the frequent sizes used for shipping cars. Many containers like the twenty and forty foot sizes come in a variety of models. The standard model, the most used, has the standard measurements of either twenty feet or forty feet length, and eight foot height and width.
This is a closed in box that can hold a variety of goods. Open top containers will be about the same size but will have no roof. This allows for items such as coal to be easily poured into the bin. Flat rack containers have a bottom and two end sides but no front and back. There is also a collapsible type to allow for them to be stored with ease when not in use. A reefer container is a standard container with refrigeration. The walls of these are thicker. High cube containers are like standard containers but have a higher top allowing for taller items. Platform containers do not really look like containers at all, but are more of a place to set smaller plastic containers or boxes.
The size of your shipping container will also affect how mobile it is. If your shipping or storage needs are on a smaller scale you can look at mini containers. They can be shipped more easily by truck. This allows them to be delivered straight to your home. These are a great way to secure your personal belongings. Often with bigger containers you will have to go to a shipping yard or other venue to pick up your goods.
Shipping container sizes will also determine their uses after they are done shipping goods. For example, the use of shipping containers to build cheap houses works best with the largest containers. Some containers, such as a forty-five foot can be a great home for one or two people. These larger containers are also great for use as other buildings such as offices or garages. Smaller containers can be used for storage and are great because they do not take up as much room. They cannot, however, be entered through a door like larger containers. With so many different kinds of shipping containers, you should have no problem finding one to meet your needs.
Ramiro Poeschl reviewed many of shipping container sizes and steel storage containers. Please visit my site for latest update.
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