The Benefits of Shipping in ISO Tanks and Containers
The Benefits of Shipping in ISO Tanks and Containers - ISO Containers are manufactured under some of the highest quality standards in the industry. ISO stands for International Organization of Standardization. This is a non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, that sets the quality standards in the industries of over 160 nations. This standard is not mandatory, but is a voluntary standard that only the best companies use to set the highest customer service standards in their respective industries.
The Benefits of Shipping in ISO Tanks and Containers
ISO Container Specification |
When people, companies or organizations look to hire other companies to ship products to their businesses, it is a smart business practice to look for the ISO seal. This means the company you just hired uses the best you can find in industry standards and shows they are at the top of their field, and that you can trust them to deliver the highest quality products in the best possible way.
Companies that comply with the ISO standards can use the credentials to highlight their business to customers, which tells them they are working with a high quality company. As the ISO standards are not mandatory, those who choose to comply with these standards are required to follow the strict guidelines set forth by the ISO commission. Any business that decides to have their business run with these high ISO standards are subject to a certification process that has internal audits to make sure the companies that claim the ISO seal or stamp of approval are conforming to the proper business standards of operation.
Once a company is accepted and passes the certification, it now has a powerful tool to use and display on their equipment, logos, buildings and websites. This alerts potential customers that this company is ISO certified and runs by these high quality and customer satisfaction principals.
ISO containers are designed to carry large amounts of almost any liquid substances such as fruit juices, spirits, oils, milk and many other liquid food products. These ISO quality tanks can also carry hazardous materials such as different types of fuels, toxic materials and corrosive prevention agents among many other liquid materials.
With the large containers and tanks that transport these food and non-food liquid products, the companies responsible for filling them up for delivery must make sure the strict standards of quantity are followed. Tanks must be at least 80% filled to prevent surging which can be dangerous, and no more than 95% full to keep from excess pressure during transport and eliminate the hazards when delivering liquid gasses.
Get to know more on ISO tanks and containers.
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